ERP 開發報表 注意事項

ERP 開發報表 注意事項

1. 指定 特定規格 的報表紙張 (A3, B3)
2. 指定 特殊尺寸 的報表紙張

開發端要安裝相關的列表機 Driver,並 設定 好需要的紙張尺寸規格項目,以供使用。[用以確保 設計階段 的正常]


報表設計時,需指明使用的紙張尺寸;同理,在 AP 端也要安裝相關的 列表機 Driver。[用以確保 報表列印階段 的正常]

TextCopy 用法說明

TextCopy 是一個 MS-SQL 的工具程式,主要是用來做數據的匯入、匯出工作。

C:\>textcopy /?
TEXTCOPY Version 1.0
DB-Library version 8.00.194

Copies a single text or image value into or out of SQL Server. The value
is a specified text or image 'column' of a single row (specified by the
"where clause") of the specified 'table'.

If the direction is IN (/I) then the data from the specified 'file' is
copied into SQL Server, replacing the existing text or image value. If the
direction is OUT (/O) then the text or image value is copied from
SQL Server into the specified 'file', replacing any existing file.

TEXTCOPY [/S [sqlserver]] [/U [login]] [/P [password]]
[/D [database]] [/T table] [/C column] [/W"where clause"]
[/F file] [{/I /O}] [/K chunksize] [/Z] [/?]

/S sqlserver The SQL Server to connect to. If 'sqlserver' is not
specified, the local SQL Server is used.
/U login The login to connect with. If 'login' is not specified,
a trusted connection will be used.
/P password The password for 'login'. If 'password' is not
specified, a NULL password will be used.
/D database The database that contains the table with the text or
image data. If 'database' is not specified, the default
database of 'login' is used.
/T table The table that contains the text or image value.
/C column The text or image column of 'table'.
/W "where clause" A complete where clause (including the WHERE keyword)
that specifies a single row of 'table'.
/F file The file name.
/I Copy text or image value into SQL Server from 'file'.
/O Copy text or image value out of SQL Server into 'file'.
/K chunksize Size of the data transfer buffer in bytes. Minimum
value is 1024 bytes, default value is 4096 bytes.
/Z Display debug information while running.
/? Display this usage information and exit.

You will be prompted for any required options you did not specify.


遠端電腦磁碟的連接設定 - Net Use




再者,就是設定要連線遠端電腦的"近端"(Local)電腦環境,要依下列指令 增設一台磁碟機代號(R:)

NET USE R: \\遠端電腦位址\共享目錄名稱
NET USE R: \\遠端電腦位址\共享目錄名稱 /USER:ID Password

等增設好新設的磁碟機代號後,就可以在檔案總管中,用 拖拉、copy/paste 來管理檔案。